
Trombone facilitates effortless adaptation of conventional SQL schemas to mobile-friendly APIs operating within the RESTful web service paradigm. It uses PostgreSQL as underlying RDBMS and translates JSON-formatted requests to database statements, according to rules layed out by a set of route templates, such as the one below.

GET resource/:id   ->   SELECT * FROM stuff WHERE id = {{:id}}

This format is described in more detail here.

Hello, World!




    id          serial PRIMARY KEY,
    title       character varying(255)       NOT NULL,
    description text                         NOT NULL,
    created     timestamp with time zone     NOT NULL

    id          serial PRIMARY KEY,
    title       character varying(255)       NOT NULL

CREATE TABLE tasks_tags (
    id          serial PRIMARY KEY,
    task_id     integer                      NOT NULL,
    tag_id      integer                      NOT NULL,
    UNIQUE (task_id, tag_id)

INSERT INTO tags (title) VALUES ('Work'), ('Studies'), ('Pastime');

Configuration file

Method Uri JSON Format
Request Response
GET /task    
Retrieve all tasks, most recent first.
POST /task    
Create a new task.
DELETE /task/:id    
Delete a task.
PUT /task/:id    
Update a task.
GET /tag    
Load all tags.
POST /tag    
Insert a tag.
POST /tag/task    
Establish a task-tag association.
POST /!tag/task    
Load task-tag associations for a collection of tasks.
# Retrieve all tasks, most recent first
GET    /task  >>  SELECT id, title, description, created FROM tasks ORDER BY created DESC

# Create a new task
POST   /task  <>

    INSERT INTO tasks
      ( created
      , title
      , description )
      ( now()
      , {{title}}
      , {{description}} )

# Delete a task
DELETE /task/:id  --  DELETE FROM tasks WHERE id = {{:id}}

# Update a task
PUT    /task/:id  ><

    UPDATE tasks
       SET title       = {{title}}
         , description = {{description}}
      id = {{:id}}

# Load all tags
GET    /tag  >>  SELECT id, title FROM tags

# Insert a tag
POST   /tag  <>  INSERT INTO tags (title) VALUES ({{title}})

# Establish a task-tag association
POST   /tag/task  --

    INSERT INTO tasks_tags
      ( task_id
      , tag_id )
      ( {{taskId}}
      , {{tagId}} )

# Load task-tag associations for a collection of tasks
POST   /!tag/task  >>  SELECT id, task_id, tag_id FROM tasks_tags WHERE task_id IN ( {{ids}} )