Tools & Utilities





The keyman utility implements a simple CRUD interface, suitable for command line administration of client keys.

  keyman list [--config=<file>]
  keyman (register|renew) <client> [<key>] [--config=<file>]
  keyman revoke <client> [--config=<file>]
  keyman --help

  -c --config=<file>  Path to database connection file.
  -? --help           Display this help.

The configuration file contains a list of parameters (identical to those described here.) used to establish a database connection. Note that the default location for this file is ~/.config/trombone/keyman.conf.

Sample keyman.conf file:

host     = 'localhost'
port     =  5432
dbname   = 'trombone'
user     = 'postgres'
password = 'postgres'

Keyman usage

To list existing client keys:

$ ./keyman list

generic            : 14ad0ef86bf392b38bad6009113c2a5a8a1d993a
batman             : 53d5864520d65aa0364a52ddbb116ca78e0df8dc
spock              : 78a302b6d3e0e37d2e37cf932955781900c46eca

Register a new client:

$ ./keyman register my_application

Client registered:
my_application: 53d5864520d65aa0364a52ddbb116ca78e0df8dc

A token is automatically generated for the new client. Alternatively, an existing key (a 40 character long hexadecimal string) may be specified as an extra, trailing argument: keyman register my_application 53d5864520d65aa0364a52ddbb116ca78e0df8dc. Subsequent to registering the application, we can confirm that it appears in the client list with its new key.

$ ./keyman list | grep my_application

my_application      : 53d5864520d65aa0364a52ddbb116ca78e0df8dc

To remove a client, use:

$ ./keyman revoke unwanted_client

JavaScript libraries

